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Golf Launch Monitors

VisTrak LX Golf Launch Monitors

Our most accurate and comprehensive floor mounted camera tracking system

The VisTrak LX2 is the world's first and only floor mounted launch monitor that features a true horizontal camera

that captures club face angle, club path and speed with video shot playback of both the vertical and horizontal cameras.

No subscription fees!

No specialty propriety balls required!

Use any ball with a logo on it or TM Pix balls

Fully upgradeable!

Add more cameras at anytime

Fully modular!

You can convert any GSA Golf camera system to any configuration you like

i.e. a ceiling mounted system (SCX)

a split floor and ceiling mounted system (EVi)

or an all floor system (LX2)

All shots detected. From full drives to chips and putts with shot replay 32 frame videos.

LX series of launch systems detect all shots including putts!

in contrast to other low cost systems (like the Rapsodo and Mevo) GSA Golf LX systems detect putts.

VisTrak LX1 Golf Launch Monitor

MSRP $1,699

direct price from manufacturer

Price $999

Measured Data captured:

Balll speed, Ball Vertical Launch angle, Ball Spin

Estimated Data captured:

Club face angle, club path, club speed and Ball Path


LX1 Lite Golf Launch Monitor

MSRP $1,299

direct price from manufacturer


Same as the regular LX1 but without the casing

VisTrak LX1 add-on Club tracking camera

add a horizontal camera with lighting to the standard cased LX1

to make up a full LX2 system with full club tracking capabilites

Price $699

Note that the LX1 comes complete with power, cables and bracket for the club tracking camera

so that adding the club tracking camera to the LX1 is easy and fast.


club and ball tracking launch monitor

LX series of launch systems detect all shots including putts!

in contrast to other low cost systems (like the Rapsodo and Mevo) GSA Golf LX systems detect putts.

Club and ball post shot video playback

for GC3, SkyTrak, TrackMan, MLM2Pro and Mevo etc

If you already have a launch monitor but it doesn't show a post shot video of your club making contact with the ball,

then our hi-speed video capturing systems will add this feature to your existing system.

The LX C is a floor mounted club and ball tracking launch monitor

that can either be used as an add-on to existing launch monitors to add club data detection - (face angle, path and speed)

with post shot videos


as a stand-alone launch monitor that captures

ball speed, HLA (path), back and side spin plus club face angle, speed and path.

MSRP $1,499

direct price from manufacturer

Price $799


when using the LX C with other launch monitors,

the data captured by the LX C is not integrated into the data sent to the game software being used by these other launch monitors.

In this case, the LX C is only used as a separate system to monitor club data with the post shot video playback.

Also Note:

when using the LX C as a stand-alone launch monitor, VLA (Vertical Launch Angle) will be based on


the loft of the selected club in the software


whatever VLA is set by the user for the particular club

You can also add a second vertical launch camera to the system at a later date for just $699


The LX C2 is a lower cost version of the LX2

Price $1,299

VisTrak LX2


Limited time special price offer


The VisTrak LX2 is the world's first and only floor mounted launch monitor that features a true horizontal camera

that captures club face angle, club path and speed with video shot playback of both the vertical and horizontal cameras.

The VisTrak LX2 is by far the most comprehensive floor mounted launch monitor on the market today.

No one else even comes close to it's features and price

In contrast to others (like the GC3 priced at $5,999) the LX2 also captures full club data.

and it does this for just $1,699

with dual 1500 fps camera

Featuring hi-speed 1500 fps vertical and horizontal cameras for both club and ball tracking with shot playback videos

The GSA Golf LX functions with E6, GS Pro, CG3 and TGC (and more) game software packages

without any additional GSA Golf subscription costs.

$ 2,499

Limited time special price offer

$ 1,699

No subscription fees!

LX2 DIY price

Total : $1,090

VisTrak LX2 Portable

Take the LX2 anywhere with the portable version of the LX2

Note that the VisTrak LX2 is the world's first and only floor mounted launch monitor that features a true horizontal camera

To the best of our knowledge, all others offer only systems with vertically mounted cameras so they can't see the club face angle or path .

Note: The LX2 is for indoor use only and requires a connection to a 110/120v power outlet

and 2 USB3 camera cables connected to the PC

Data captured: Ball speed, ball launch angle, ball path and ball spin rate plus

Club face angle, club path and speed


The VisTrak LX2 is the world's first and only floor mounted launch monitor that features a true horizontal camera

that captures club face angle at impact to the ball with video shot playback

All data is user verifiable

In contrast to most other systems - (especially radar based systems where essentially zero data is user verifiable)

all data with the VisTrak hi-speed camera systems is user verifiable.

i.e. you can see with your own eyes in the shot video playback the real vertical (ball LA) and horizontal (ball path) angles of the shot

plus club face angle at impact to the ball and club path.

Even ball spin can be user verified.

VisTrak LX2 & LXC

Club detection

The VisTrak "LX2 and "LXC" are the world's only floor mounted launch monitors that capture top view frames of the club and ball

LX series of launch systems detect all shots including putts!

in contrast to other low cost systems (like the Rapsodo and Mevo) GSA Golf LX systems detect putts.

You won't see club video playback images like the above on any other floor mounted launch monitor no matter what the price is.

The LX Launch Monitors can be used as a tracking system in a full golf simulator

All LX models function with E6, GS Pro, CG3 and TGC (and more) game software packages.

VisTrak LX2

post shot videos

VisTrak LX2 Ball Spin Detection

from the side camera

The LX detects ball spin rate using the ball logo or ball spin dots.

Optional Spin Dot Balls

12 Bridgestone spin dot balls

$ 69.00

The problem with using the ball logo to detect spin is that the player has to bend down

and place the ball on the mat with the logo facing the camera for every shot.

Using spin dot balls with a 360 degree spherical dot pattern eliminates this requirement

LX/EV systems view balls from the side. Rotation is calculated around the center of the ball between frames

VisTrak LX2/LXC Ball Spin Detection

from the top camera

VisTrak LX2/LXC ball spin detection using Taylor Made Pix balls

The LX2/LXC can also use regualr Taylor Made Pix balls to detect both back and side spin from the top camera

VisTrak LX1/LX2 Ball Spin Detection

from the side camera

New spin detection method for side mounted camera systems (i.e. EV and LX)

Using balls with dots on them

Using balls with a line on them

Using Taylor Made PIX balls

Using just the ball's logo

LX2 dual camera Club and Ball tracking Launch monitor.

with a true horizontal camera instead of just vertically mounted cameras

The LX2 offers full dual video shot playback from both the top and side mounted cameras

The VisTrak LX2 is the world's first and only launch monitor offering post shot video replay

of your shot from both side and top cameras

You won't find this feature on any other floor mounted launch monitor on the market today no matter what the price.

The "LX2 ex" adds club tracking and more accurate ball path detection to the LX1

Data captured: Club face angle, club speed and path plus ball spin, speed, LA and path

Note: The LX2 requires 2 USB3 camera cables connected to the PC or Laptop

As can be seen from the above images, the LX2's top camera does not obstruct the view of the ball with any shots

VisTrak LX2 comparisons with other floor mounted Launch monitors

Recently, while finishing off the new LX2 features , I thought I'd check out what the competition to this product would be.

Starting off with the Uneekor Mini (with a list price of a whopping $4,500) I viewed the review videos.

Expecting to see really nice shot video playbacks of the club making contact with the ball from the top camera showing club face angle and path,

I was shocked to see that no such video playback of the club face angle at impact to the ball or path is anywhere to be seen or featured in the videos.

Likewise, the GC3 also doesn't detect club face angle or - from what we can gather at least - show any shot playback videos showing club face at impact to the ball

Maybe I'm missing something here, but I'm astonished why people are raving about systems that cost over 3 times the price of the LX2

that doesn't even capture club face angle and path shot videos from a top camera.

VisTrak LX2 compared to the GC Quad

$15,999 or $1,899 ?

Currently, the only floor mounted launch monitor we could find that measures club data is the $15,999 GC Quad.

And even that - to the best of our knowledge anyway - doesn't offer a real shot replay video of the ball striking the ball from both a vertical and horizontal camera


Why the LX2 is your best choice if working on your game

The simple reason is because the LX2 is the only floor mounted launch monitor

that captures real club path and club face angles from an over the top camera -

in addition to vertical launch angle and angle of attack angles from a side mounted camera

with post shot playback videos from both cameras.

To date, nearly all floor mounted golf launch monitors rely on measured ball side spin to show fades, draws, hooks and slices

but don't show the root cause of these shots.

Namely, club face angle relative to club path.

Thus, these launch monitors will only - at best - replicate your shots on the course -

and maybe attempt to back engineer to estimated club data

but will in no way show you how to improve your shot shaping or correct hooks and slices.

LX2 Software only

Purchase your own super hi-speed cameras and lights on Amazon

The software is geared to all those golf sim companies, entrepreneurs and DIY individuals that will be purchasing their own cameras

so that they can get up and running without having to spend a fortune on development and equally save an enormous amount of time.

Note: when purchasing the full LX2 or LX1 this software is included

Software includes 1 18 hole golf course

$ 299

Try it before you buy it

GSA Golf Control Panel Full version download

The full version VisTrak software can be used to evaluate the system with real time image processing

from sample shot videos sent to us frome customers.

Use the above download to install the full version Control Panel with sample shot videos.

Download includes sample shot videos of the SCX, EVi and LX2

Plus free Swing Capture software

Plus free 18 hole golf course game software

Great for evaluation with the GSA Golf Control Panel - playable with the mouse.

Build the LX2 yourself


GSA Golf CP camera control and image processing software : $399

Total DIY price: $1,109

go to the Reseller page for a parts list

LX1 / LX2 compatible Game software

Game software options




Click above images to read more ...

GSA Golf VisTrak cameras function with all the above golf simulator course software

Please note that if you already own any of the above software systems and it was licensed for a tracking system other than GSAgolf

then you will have to contact the respective software company to have your license converted to GSA Golf systems.



VisTrak LX Setup

Click above button for installation instructions

Basic Operating instructions

Place ball as shown above in the launch zone area.

Wait until the you hear the "ball detected" beep or green LED strip light stops pulsing and turns constant ON,

and you're ready to swing.

LX2 with monitor stand

Click above to read more ...

LX2 to SCX conversion

You can also convert your LX2 to an SCX all ceiling mounted stereo camera system

by removing the LX2 cameras and mounting them on the ceiling

Free Game software

GSA Golf 18 hole course game software included free of charge


VisTrak LX vs GC2 comparison results

Just in from independent tester Phil in the UK that has a GC2 and is running comparison tests with his VisTrak system


Vistrak 12.99 mph, GC2 13.0 2 mph

Vistrak 6.36 mph, GC2 6.0 3 mph

Vistrak 16.5 mph, GC2 17.3 mph


Vistrak 49.73 mph, GC2 49.2

Full shots

Vistrak 80.37 mph , GC2 78.9 2 mph

Vistrak 78.63 mph , GC2 79.8 3 mph

Vistrak 87.22 mph, GC2 88.0 mph

VisTrak SCX and LX


Other system comparisons

We are currently running comparison tests with various other competitor systems on the market.

These include:

Vistrak SCX vs MLM2Pro and FlightScope comparison test results with videos

Vistrak SCX vs Protee VX systems with videos

Vistrak LX systems vs GC3 systems with videos

Recent LX2 customer comments

Hey Martin

the LX2 is exactly what I wanted and I'm super pleased with the unit.

I searched everywhere for an affordable launch monitor that can additionally read club data but to no avail.

The shot video playback of the LX2

from both the side and top cameras puts this system in a class of its own that's for sure.

Well done!

Steve J. OH 11/19/2024


you really need to work more on your advertising.

It was only by chance that I came across your website with the LX2.

This is a fantastic system with features that far exceed all the other launch monitors on the market.

And at just $1,699 too.

Needless to say, I'm very happy with the product.

Phil M. NY 12/08/2024


Intel i5 or above Processor

Warning! Do not use PC's with AMD processors.

8GB RAM Nvidia 1070 Graphics Card or equivalent

25GB of Hard Drive Space

Windows 10 or 11 (Required)

Internet Connection

(Required if using 3rd party game software such as E6, TGC or GSPro)

2 X USB3 ports (Required)

Note: The cameras are USB3 cameras

and will only run at the correct speed when connected via USB3 cables directly to separate USB3 ports on the PC

Note: The LX2 is for indoor use only and requires a connection to a 110/120v power outlet

and 2 USB3 camera cables connected to the PC

Warning : Do not use Laptops

Laptop PCs are usually not powerful enough to run the cameras due to the limited band width of the USB 3 bus in laptops

and the gaming software (i.e. E6. TGC, Gs pro etc)

as the demand on the graphics card will be quite great and updating graphics cards on Laptops may not be possible.

Technical Support

Email and remote access support is available for all original purchasers of GSA Golf systems.

GSA Golf reseller inquirers welcome

Contact me - Martin - for details

Tel: 239 529 3060

International customers - Outside the US - Please note!

Please note: GSA Golf is not responsible for any import customs duties or brokerage fees that may be due for your order when arriving at the border.

All such customs duties and brokerage fees must be paid by the recipient.

There is also an additional $100 to $300 shipping charge

(depending on your country and weight of the product) for any product exported outside the US.

Warranty and Return Policy

Camera Warranty: 1 year

Return policy:

Returns must be made within 30 days and have a 15% to 20% restocking fee

Please read our legal notice via the link below regarding warranty periods and return policy

Note that a 15% to 20% re-stocking fee (depending on condition) will be charged in the event of a return

Customer is required to return the product at own expense. ie, GSA Golf do not send free return labels

Note: this 30 day return policy does not include 3rd party game software such as TGC,

enclosure items such as screens, flooring, drapes, panels etc.

i.e. it is solely for camera tracking systems

Please read our legal notice via the link below regarding warranty periods and return policy